CSR History

  • The Hioki Philosophy is adopted of Respect for Humanity and Contribution to Society.
  • Employees hold a tree-planting festival at Hioki Forest Hills, the site of the current Head Office.
  • Forest Hills Scholarship Fund, a special public-interest trust, is launched.
  • The Head Office and main plant are relocated to a newly completed facility at Hioki Forest Hills in Ueda, Nagano Prefecture.
  • The Ueda Minami League youth baseball program is launched.
  • Hioki receives the Japan Greenery Research and Development Center President’s Award in recognition of its active promotion of afforestation.
  • Construction of the Hioki Lodge I is completed.
  • The first Local Afforestation event is held at Kamishina Elementary School.
  • South Junior Sports Club is launched.
  • Hioki earns ISO 14001 certification.
  • Hioki receives the Kanto International Trade and Industry Bureau Director's Award in recognition of its active promotion of afforestation.
  • The first Hioki Festival is held.
  • Hioki begins donating musical instruments.
  • Hioki receives the 6th Shinshu Ecology Grand Prize in recognition of its Local Afforestation program.
  • The Hioki Scholarship and Greening Foundation is established.
  • Hioki receives the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry Award in recognition of its active promotion of afforestation.
  • Hioki begins supporting the Kenya Vegetation Restoration Project.
  • Hioki is recognized by the Minister of State for Measures for Declining Birthrate for distinguished service under the Supporting Children and Families in Japan program.
  • Hioki's main plant is recognized by the Prime Minister of Japan for distinguished service in promoting afforestation during 2009.
  • Hioki receives the 2011 Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Encouragement Award in recognition of its safety and hygiene policies.
  • Hioki receives the Dark-blue Ribbon Medal in recognition of community service initiatives including its donation of musical instruments to an Ueda elementary school.
  • Construction of the Health & Fitness Center is completed.
  • Construction of the Hioki Lodge II is completed.
  • Hioki is certified by Japan's Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare as “Platinum Kurumin” under the ministry's Kurumin program for its support of parenting.
  • Hioki is certified by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare under the ministry's Eruboshi program for its gender equality initiatives.
  • Hioki announces Vision 2030, its long-term management policy.
  • Hioki is chosen as a “Best Company” in the 2021 Best Place to Work® Japan Rankings.
  • The Head Office Plant switches to CO2-free power.
  • Hioki signs an Afforestation Support Agreement based on the Nagano prefectural government's Forest Foster Parent Promotion Project (Hioki Scholarship and Greening Foundation).
  • Hioki formulates its Basic Policy on Sustainability and its Sustainability Declaration.
  • Hioki announces its support for the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
  • Hioki receives the Most Outstanding Business Supporting Future Generations Award (organized by the Alliance of Governors Supporting the Future) as part of the Commendations for Business Supporting Future Generations.
  • Hioki installs a solar carport with a generating capacity of 2 MW and a 2 MWh lithium-ion power storage system.
  • Hioki begins using VCS- and CCB-certified carbon-neutral natural gas.
  • Hioki purchases J-Credits derived from forestland in Nagano Prefecture.