Zero adjustment procedures of the DT4200 series

QPlease advise how to make zero adjustment of resistance measurement on the DT4281.


ressing the REL (Relative) key for 1s or longer to perform zero adjustment on the DT4200 serries.

DT4281 procedures
1) Set the range to "Ω" and short the tips of the test leads.
2) Press the REL (MAX/MIN) key for 1s or longer.
3) "REL" is indicated on the display and zero adjustment is completed.

Please note that the REL key is provided in  combination with other functions in these products:
DT4281 and DT4282:  MAX/MIN
DT4250 series:  FILTER
DT4222:  HOLD
DT4223 and DT4224:  RANGE