Version 1.43 May 17, 2021
The copyright to the executable program file and associated documents is owned by HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION.
This utility may not be bundled with software or other publications which are sold for profit without the express written permission of the copyright owner.
Further, this product may not be modified without the express written permission of the copyright owner.
HIOKI disclaims any and all responsibility for any consequences arising out of use of this software.
application ( |
This software will enable the user to display waveform data from Models 8807-01, 8808-01, 8714-01, 8715-01, 8870-20, 8870-21, MR8870-20, MR8870-30, 8835-01, 8841, 8842, 8826, MR8827, 8720, 8847, MR8847-01, MR8847-02, MR8847-03, 8855, 8825, 8840, 8420-01, 8421-01, 8422-01, 8420-51, 8421-51, 8422-51, 8730-10, 8731-10, 8860, 8861, 8860-50, 8861-50, MR8880-20, MR8880-21, MR8875 , MR8875-30, MR8740, MR8741, MR8847A, MR6000 and MR8740T onto a PC and save it as a CSV file. The CSV file can be loaded onto a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet or other similar application.
Version Upgrade History
1. Model MR6000 CAN waveform data can be supported.
1. Model MR8740T waveform files can be supported.
2. Model MR6000 waveform files can be supported.
1. Model MR8847A waveform files can be supported.
The following problem was resolved:(only MR8827)
1. Waveform file isn’t read correctly under the settings indicated below.
Channel Mode (Used Ch) : 4CH, 8CH, 16CH
1. Model MR8827 waveform files can be supported.
2. Models MR8870-20 and MR8870-30 waveform files can be supported.
1. Model MR8905 Analog Input Unit is now compatible.
1.Model MR8740, MR8741 waveform files can be supported.
The following problem was resolved:(only 8714,8715,8835-01,8841,8842,8826)
1.The time value is incorrect under the settings indicated below.
Function : REC or RMS
Shot : Cont
The following problem was resolved:(only 8807, 8808)
1.The time value is incorrect under the settings indicated below.
Function : REC or RMS
Shot : Cont
1.Model MR8875 inter-channel calculation and waveform calculation function can be supported.
2.Models 8870-20 and 8870-21 waveform files can be supported.
1.Model MR8875 waveform files can be supported.
2.When a waveform file of Memory HiLogger is opened, the Logger Utility will be started.
1.Models MR8847-01, MR8847-02 and MR8847-03 waveform files can be supported.
1.Model MR8880 waveform files can be supported.
1.CSV file division function can be supported.
1.Model 8847 waveform calculation function can be supported.
2.8970 Frequency, 8971 Current Input Units are now compatible.
3.The output header can be selected when converting data into CSV format.
The following problem was resolved:(only 8847)
1.CSV converted time value is incorrect when using Batch Conversion and Thin Out function.
1.Model 8847 waveform files can be supported.
1.Models 8860-50 and 8861-50 waveform files can be supported.
2.Model 8860 series Event Mark function can be supported.
1.Round up less than the decimal point of count value measured with a F/V unit 8940 - Count mode. (only 8860 and 8861)
The following problem was resolved:(only 8855)
1.The current value measured with a combination of 8951 current input module and 9279 clamp probe was wrong.
(only 200mA, 500mA, 10A, 50A range)
2.The waveform measured with a combination of 8951 current input module and 9279 clamp probe wasn’t indicated properly.
(only 200mA, 1A, 2A, 10A, 20A, 100A range)
The following problem was resolved:(only 8860 and 8861)
1.On a certain condition, the Batch Conversion function fails and the application is unusually finished.
The following problem was resolved:(only 8840 and 8825)
1.Cannot open the waveform file from the Open dialog (only V1.21).
1.Models 8860 and 8861 waveform calculation function can be supported.
2.Models 8860 and 8861 index file can be supported.
3.Features concerning conversion format, HIOKI WAVEFORM GENERATOR 7075 text format are added.
4.Number of digits below the decimal point of CSV-converted parameter is increased.
1.Models 8860 and 8861 waveform files can be supported.
NOTE: Support the waveform files saved after 8860/8861 V1.03.
2.The slide indication function of the waveform file is added.
1.The simultaneous movement function of the A-B cursors is added.
2.Gauge indication function is added on the analog waveform.
3.Model 8730 variable function can be supported.
4.A filter item is added to the header part of the CSV file.
5.Indicate a setup of a filter of the 8420-01 series in the properties and the legend.
6.The line feed code of the CSV file can be chosen.
The following problem was resolved: (only 8420-01 series)
7.Waveform zoom ratio in Voltage 1-5V range waveform is incorrect.
8.Waveform zoom ratio and position is incorrect in pulse channel which set up by Upper-Lower.
9.Waveform zoom ratio and position is incorrect in analog/pulse channel which set up by Upper-Lower and using scaling function.
The following problem was resolved: (only 8835, 8841, 8842, 8826, 8720)
10.Waveform zoom ratio in F/V unit 8940 waveform is incorrect.
1.Model 8422-01, 8730-10 and 8731-10 waveform files are now compatible.
2.Model 8855 POWER function waveform files are now compatible.
3.Features concerning notation of trace voltage parameter, Decimal, Exponential and Auxiliary unit style have been added.
4.Clipboard copy function of trace voltage parameter has been added.
5.Features concerning grid type (None, Standard and Fine) have been added.
6.Open converted file on associated application function has been added.
7.Logic waveform height has been adjusted.
8.Layered window style (Wave Control Panel, Property, Trace, Block List window) has been added. (Only on Windows2000 or WindowsXP)
The following problem was resolved: (All Models)
9.B-A time value in trace function was incorrect when using pre-trigger function or the partial saved file.
10.Waveform zoom ratio and position were incorrect when using scaling and variable function.
11.Output file name in Batch Conversion function was incorrect if the waveform file extension does not exist.
The following problem was resolved: (only 8420-01 and 8421-01)
12.Waveform zoom ratio in Humidity mode waveform was incorrect.
13.CSV converted values became a negative value when converting large pulse mode values.
1.Current 8951,RMS 8952,Temperature 8954,F/V Input Units 8955 are now compatible.
2.Models 8825 and 8840 waveform files are now compatible.
3.Showing title comment function has been added.
4.Number of digits below the decimal point of CSV-converted parameter is same as that featured on main unit.
5.Stored data numbers can be indicated when CSV conversion is executed.
6.Time axis notation can be selected when converting data into CSV format.
1.Models 8714-01 and 8715-01 waveform files are now compatible.
2.Index files, such as Sequential Save, Multi-block, and REC&MEM, are now compatible.
3.Voltage trace function has been added.
4.Concerning time notation, Absolute date/time, Relative time, Point number have been added.
5.Concerning conversion format, space separated text format, TAB separated text format have been added.
6.Jumping to A/B cursor and trig point function has been added.
7.Showing waveform remarks function has been added.
8.Vernier function (waveform display) is now compatible.
9.Fixed waveform display condition has been added.
1.Model 8855 waveform files are now compatible.
2.Models 8841 and 8826 real-time waveform files are now compatible.
3.Loading time has been improved. (Approximately x1.1 to x2.0)
4.Showing measurement conditions of the selected waveform file function has been added (in the file open dialog).
5.Repaired (only 8807-01 and 8808-01 V2.20 or less)
The converted value was incorrect (x2.5 larger) under the setting below.
Function : RMS
Coupling : Clamp RMS
Calc : RMS(ON)
Repaired (only 8420-01 and 8421-01)
The recorded time span indication for waveforms captured at 100ms to 500ms/s was incorrect.(Only V1.13)
Repaired (only 8420-01 and 8421-01)
Waveform files taken at slower than 2s sampling could not be opened.
1.Models 8420-01 and 8421-01 waveform files are now compatible.
2.Convert only displayed channel.
3.Concerning time notation, Second has been added.
4.Batch Conversion function has been added.
Operating Environment
This software can be operated under Windows 7 (32-bit or 64-bit) / Windows 8 (32-bit or 64-bit) / Windows 10 (32-bit or 64-bit) systems.