UA1780 HIOKI Master Library

20240611 Jun 14, 2024

If you are unable to download software, please check the following:
  • Please register a my HIOKI account and then use it to log in to the my HIOKI service.
  • Product firmware (product upgrades) and computer application software can only be downloaded for products you have registered on the my HIOKI service.
Library (

○ Latest software is posted. Keep the instruction manual up-to-date.
○ Do not perform the following operations during the upgrade. Repair is required.
・ Turn off the main unit.
・ Remove the media.


・Shape 96644 Items added (600222 Items)
・TestInfo 96734 Items added (600247 Items)

Version Upgrade History

20240611 (June 2024)
・Shape 96644 Items added (600222 Items)
・TestInfo 96734 Items added (600247 Items)

20240214 (February 2024)
・Shape 30976 Items added (503578 Items)
・TestInfo 31004 Items added (503513 Items)

20230419 (April 2023)
・Shape 6268 Items added (472602 Items)
・TestInfo 6268 Items added (472509 Items)

20230118 (January 2023)
・Shape 19776 Items added (466334 Items)
・TestInfo 19783 Items added (466241 Items)

20221018 (October 2022)
・Shape 45956 Items added (446558 Items)
・TestInfo 45953 Otems added (446458 Items)

20220712 (July 2022)
・Shape 70155 Items added (400602 Items)
・TestInfo 70154 Items added (400505 Items)

20220412 (April 2022)
・Shape 40293 Items added (330447 Items)
・TestInfo 40291 Items added (330351 Items)

20220111 (January 2022)
・Shape 27221 Items added (290154 Items)
・TestInfo 27221 Items added (290060 Items)

20211013 (October 2021)
・Shape 28221 Items added (262933 Items)
・Testinfo 28219 Items added (262839 Items)

20210714 (July 2021)
・Shape 53776 Items added (234712 Items)
・TestInfo 53828 Items added (234620 Items)

20210415 (April 2021)
・Shape 28777 Items added (180936 Items)
・TestInfo 28693 Items added (180792 Items)

20210203 (February 2021)
・Shape 29830 Items added (152159 Items)
・TestInfo 29797 Items added (152099 Items)

20201013 (October 2020)
・Shape 6494 Items added (122329 Items)
・TestInfo 7694 Items added (122302 Items)

20200708 (July 2020)
・Shape 33041 Items added (115835 Items)
・TestInfo 34158 Items added (114608 Items)

20200421 (April 2020)
・Shape 18855 Items added (82794 Items)
・TestInfo 16858 Items added (80450 Items)

20190924 (January 2020)
・Shape 8357 Items added(64003 Items)
・TestInfo 8348 Items added(63684 Items)

20190924 (September 2019)
・Shape 14642 Items added(55646 Items)
・TestInfo 14626 Items added(55336 Items)

20190513  (May 2019)


HIOKI Master Library.

Operating Environment

Windows10 64bit Windows11 64bit