News May. 10, 2022
Announced support for TCFD and Strengthened information disclosure based on its recommendation
HIOKI (HIOKI E.E. Corporation: Ueda City, Nagano Prefecture; President and CEO: Takahiro Okazawa) recently expressed their endorsement of the recommendations of TCFD (Climate-related Financial Disclosure Task Force).
Currently, efforts to decarbonize products are progressing in countries around the world. In response to this global trend, we are committed to contributing to the decarbonization of all industries at home and abroad through our accumulated expertise in electric measurement and customer-based problem-solving.
At the same time, we formulated the Basic Sustainability Policy and HIOKI Sustainability Declaration. We are currently strengthening our own efforts to decarbonize. In 2025, which marks the 90th anniversary of its founding, the Declaration aims to achieve the carbon neutral of Scope 1 and Scope 2 based on GHG Protocols and to achieve the carbon neutral of Scope 3 in 2035, the 100th anniversary of its founding. In order to communicate these initiatives to shareholders, investors, and all other stakeholders in an easy-to-understand manner, we followed TCFD's recommendations and decided to disclose information promptly based on TCFD. In addition, we will build relationships of trust through active communication with all our stakeholders based on information disclosed, while enhancing our sustainability activities.
What is TCFD?
TCFD is a task force established by the Financial Stability Board (FSBs) at the request of G20 to consider climate-related financial risk disclosures. It encourages companies to disclose information on "Governance," "Strategy," "Risk Management," and "Indicators and Targets" related to climate change-related risks and opportunities.
Reference: Basic Sustainability Policy, HIOKI Sustainability Declaration
Established in 1935, HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION (TSE: 6866) has grown to become a world leader in providing consistent delivery of test and measuring instruments through advanced design, manufacturing, and sales and services. By offering over 200 main products characterized by safety and quality while meeting an expansive range of applications, we aim to contribute to the efficiency and value of our customers' work in research and development, production and electrical maintenance. Hioki products and services are available around the world through our extensive network of subsidiaries and distributors. For more information, visit us at