USB is malfunctioning and not recognizable
QI am trying to save data in real-time to the LR8400 Memory HiLogger using 100ms recording intervals. After about 3 days, an error message appeared. I can see the files in the USB using my PC, but it does not look like usable data.
There is a great possibility the USB memory stock maybe damaged, or the file itself is corrupted. To save data to Hioki data loggers such as the LR8400 series, or other Hioki products such as memory recorders, we highly recommend using storage media only sold by HIOKI. We do not guarantee the operation of devices sold by third party manufacturers. Commercially available USB sticks and CF cards vary in quality and data retention capabilities, and may not be conducive to real-time save of large amounts of data that is output by our instruments. In some cases, the USB may not even be recognized, operate or read, or save any data.
Please be sure to purchase storage media sold by HIOKI.