Raising the Bar for High-Accuracy Measurement

Hioki pass-through AC/DC current sensors are best-in-class devices for use with power meters, Memory HiCorders and high performance oscilloscopes. The CT6876 is a DC to 1.5 MHz/1000 A sensor, ideal for testing inverter efficiency, inverter output power, reactor or transformer loss.
The sensor uses flux gate detection within the zero flux method to deliver outstanding linear properties, enabling it to maintain high precision even at low current levels.

CAT III 1000 V

Use with an instrument with a high input impedance of 1 MΩ or higher.

Key Features

  • The ideal current sensor for measuring large 1000 A currents in EV, HEV, and PHEV
  • Strengthened shield improves noise resistance to accurately measure current buried in noise
  • Flat frequency characteristics and CMRR performance to achieve high accuracy measurement
  • More enhanced environmental resistance performance than ever before with operating temperature range of -40 to 85°C
  • Basic accuracy of ±0.04% and phase ± 0.1° 
  • Good frequency characteristics over wide band of DC to 1.5 MHz (amplitude) and DC to 1 MHz (phase)
  • Ideal for advanced fields such as photovoltaics and fuel cells to evaluate the charge / discharge of batteries and secondary side of inverters
  • Connect with oscilloscopes or Hioki Memory HiCorders (using SENSOR UNIT) to monitor waveforms

Model No. (Order Code)

CT6876 1000 A AC/DC, ME15W terminal, 3 m (9.84 ft) cable length
CT6876-01 1000 A AC/DC, ME15W terminal, 10 m (32.81 ft) cable length

Basic specifications

Accuracy guaranteed: 1 year
Rated current 1000 A AC/DC
Max. allowable input Within the derating range, up to ±1800 Apeak (design value) allowed at 40°C or less for 20 ms or less
Frequency bandwidth Amplitude: DC to 1.5 MHz (CT6876), DC to 1.2 MHz (CT6876-01)
Phase: DC to 1 MHz
Basic accuracy (DC, 45 Hz ≤ f ≤ 66 Hz) Amplitude: ±0.04 % rdg. ±0.008 % f.s., Phase: ±0.1°
Output voltage rate 2 mV / A rated (This device outputs AC+DC voltage via the Sensor Unit)
Max. rated voltage to earth 1000 V AC/DC (50/60 Hz, CAT III )
Core diameter φ 36 mm (1.42 in)
Operating temperature, humidity -40°C to +85°C (-40°F to 185°F), 80% RH or less (with no condensation)
Power supply Power suppled via the Power Analyzer PW6001, PW3390, or Sensor Unit CT9555, CT9556, CT9557
Max. rated power 7.5 VA max. (at 1000 A/55 Hz)
Dimensions and mass 160 mm (6.30 in)W × 112 mm (4.41 in)H × 50 mm (1.97 in)D, CT6876: 950 g (33.5 oz), cable length 3 m (9.84 ft), CT6876-01: 1250 g (44.1 oz), cable length 10 m (32.81 ft)
Included accessories Instruction manual ×1, Mark bands ×6, Operating precautions ×1

Compatible models

Compatible models CT6876
Power Analyzer
PW6001, PW3390
Power Analyzer
Attention (Requires CT9901)
CT ratio 2
Power HiTester
3193 series
Attention (Requires CT9901)
CT ratio 2
Current Unit
Attention (Requires the 9318, CT9901) CT ratio 2

Options A (5)

Options B (1)

The CT9902 connects up to 2 cables in series

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