Cannot turn on the 3169. (backup error)
QCannot turn on the 3169. The error message appears on its screen. ASSERT:(OFF<=val)&&(valFILE C:progsrc3169v001system.c LINE3507
This message means "backup error by its built-in lithium battery deterioration."
The lifetime of this battery is about 6 years. Please contact to our sales office or a distributor about the repair.
The error can be removed by the system reset tentatively to start measurement, though the 3169 is reset to factory default settings.
However, you may have the same error after a while as far as it is caused by the deteriorated backup battery.
It is recommended t o repair.
< System reset procedures >
Turn on the 3169 while pressing the "FILE" key and keep on pressing it until hearing the short beep sound.
Once the 3169 is turned on, turn off the power and turn on again in normal operation.
"BACKUP TEST Initalizing..." is displayed while the second turning on process.
It takes some time to complete the initializing of its built-in memory, etc.