DC milliohm HiTESTER application software

Version Mar 30, 2009

The copyright to the executable program file and associated documents is owned by HIOKI E.E. CORPORATION. This utility may not be bundled with software or other publications which are sold for profit without the express written permission of the copyright owner.
Further, this product may not be modified without the express written permission of the copyright owner.

HIOKI disclaims any and all responsibility for any consequences arising out of use of this software.

application (dc1303E.zip)


This software enables the user to obtain measurement data from Resistance HiTESTER 3541 or DC milliohm HiTESTER 3540, 3227 through the RS-232C or GP-IB(*1) interface.(3540 is RS-232C only. 3227 is GP-IB only.)
There are 3 functions, and each function can be applied to save measurement data directly into an Excel spreadsheet or as a CSV file.

 ・Obtain data by pressing the RETURN/ENTER key on the PC.
 ・Obtain data via the External I/O TRIG.
 ・Obtain data at specific time intervals. (logging)

*1: Using National Instruments GP-IB Board.

Supported Operating Systems

95/98/Me or Windows NT4.0
7(32-bit or 64-bit)

Contact Information

・Hioki welcomes opinions, suggestions, operation reports, and bug reports. Please send such communications to the following address.
・Hioki reserves the right to incorporate any suggestions and opinions received in its products without notice.
・E-mail: os-com@hioki.co.jp (Hioki E. E. Corporation, International Sales and Marketing Section)