How to view data stored in Memory HiCorders and Memory HiLoggers on a PC
QHow can I view data from the Memory HiCorder on my computer? (Memory HiCorder MR8870, Memory HiLogger LR8431, etc.)
Save data to the CF card. In order to read this data into your computer, you will need the software "Wv". Find the software by searching as keyword "Wave Viewer" in the search box of the download page.
Home > Service & Support > Downloads > Drivers, Firmware & Software > MEMORY HiCORDER / MEMORY HiLOGGER Wave Viewer (Wv)
To transfer data from a CF card to a PC, please use a commercially available card reader (USB).
The optional application software "Wave Processor 9335" is also available.
You can also import the data into Excel® in CSV format.
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